July 05, 2011

Join us TODAY to plan our next steps

Reminder: Monthly Progressive Action Meeting
Join us to plan our next steps today,
Tuesday July 5th, 7:30 - 9 PM.

Let's make our own fireworks for progress after the 4th!

We've been working with members of Congress and the Maryland General Assembly to achieve Progress.

Our insiders report Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are facing deep cuts and radical changes. We need to strengthen and expand these programs, not cut them. We're building a coalition working for the People's Budget, progressive revenues, cuts to corporate loopholes, and protecting programs people need. We're working to wrap up the wars, and shift resources to better use: creating jobs, providing healthcare, and more. Also: report on our US Senate lobbying efforts for equality.

Saigonese Restaurant -- 11232 Grandview Ave Wheaton, MD
Short walk from the Wheaton Metro Stop (red line)

RSVP via Email: mocoprogressives@gmail.com / mike@mikehersh.com
RSVP on: MeetUp: http://www.meetup.com/progressive-victory/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=205997409446232

See you there!


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