From: Greg Smith at Community Research Saturday, March 5
Join Us for a Free Screening of the Award-Winning Documentary Gasland With Discussion to Follow
When: 2:30 pm
Where: College Park City Hall
Council Chambers -- Second Floor
4500 Knox Road
College Park, MD
Sponsors: City of College Park Committee for a Better Environment
Sierra Club - Maryland Chapter
Community Research
Extras: Refreshments will be served and discussion will follow.
Run Time: Gasland runs about 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Transit: The College Park City Hall is less than one block from Route 1 and is a five to 10-minute walk west of the College Park Metro station.
The 83 and 86 Metrobuses, and perhaps others, stop nearby.
The Issues and The Documentary
Can you imagine turning on your faucet and being able to set fire to the water that comes from the tap? This has happened in dozens of communities across the country, communities where corporations are using a highly controversial drilling process called hydraulic fracturing ("hydrofracking" or
"fracking") to drill for natural gas.
Gasland explores the environmental and public health consequences of fracking, which has spread through our country like wildfire since the Bush-Cheney administration revised the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to create a loophole for fracking.
Gasland calls fracking "one of the country's biggest environmental and public health challenges in history."
Don't Let Big Industry Frack Maryland
Western Maryland falls within the vast Marcellus Shale zone, and the gas industry has its site on the Marcellus Shale and on Western Maryland.
The industry reportedly has leased more 100,000 acres of land in Garrett County alone.
The Discussion
Following the screening, join us for a discussion with Delegate Heather Mizeur (District 20), lead House sponsor of The Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Act of 2011 (House Bill 852 and Senate Bill 634). The Act would regulate drilling for natural gas in Western Maryland.
Delegate Joseline Peña-Melnyk (District 21), co-sponsor of HB 852 will attend the screening.
Recent Article Highlights Fracking's Toxic Impacts
New York Times ran this article on February 26, detailing lax regulation of an process that the gas industry is deploying across the country and is hoping to deploy in Maryland.
"Regulation Lax as Gas Wells-Tainted Water Hits Rivers"
Times also releases a damning, never-before-released reports by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and a confidential study by the industry.
Please RSVP -- Requested Not Required
To RSVP, please visit: RSVPs are requested and appreciated, but not required.
For More Information About The March 5 Screening
Please contact Janis Oppelt at: / 240-888-6972
For More Information about HB 852 and SB 634 -- The Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Act of 2011
Visit the General Assembly Web Site at: Or the Sierra Club at: And read Delegate Mizeur's op-ed at:
For More Information About Gasland and About Fracking
Please visit:
Community Research is a Maryland-based nonprofit dedicated to:
protecting communities, the environment and public health;
enhancing corporate and governmental transparency and accountability;
and enhancing participation in civic and democratic processes.