April 10, 2008

Climate Super Rally on Earth Day, April 22nd in D.C.

Climate Super Rally on Earth Day, April 22nd in D.C.

Spend Earth Day with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, climate hero Dr. James
Hansen of NASA, national faith leader Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners, PDA
National Board Member Rev. Lennox Yearwood, and others including Luci
Murphy and Betsy Taylor.

7 pm April 22nd Earth Day
Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st ST NW D.C.
George Washington University
Closest Metro: Foggy Bottom (Blue / Orange)

Let's fill Lisner to show our opposition to Bush's inaction on global
warming and our support for environmental justice and clean energy. Help
save the Bay. If you care about the environment, this is an event not to
be missed.

Tickets and information: www.chesapeakeclimate.org / 240-396-2155

April 08, 2008

If you liked Bush you'll LOVE McCain

If you liked Bush you'll LOVE McCain. If you liked Bush you'll LOVE McCain.
More of the same bad economics, aggressive wars for no reason. Tell the world, John W. McBush? No thanks! Makes great gifts for Democrats and Republicans alike!

McCain wants to attack Iran. He's hyperventilating about Iran and al Qaeda--two bitter enemies he keeps claiming are in cahoots. Then he apologizes for "misstating" but repeats the same BS the next day. Is McCain lying, senile or both? We're broke and our military is broken thanks to the idiotic Iraq War. And Insane McCain wants to attack Iran? No thanks! We can't afford more of the same with John McCain.

T-shirts, stickers, buttons, caps and all sorts of other ways to get the word out. We don't want a 3rd Bush term. We don't want McCain.

Tell the world how you feel: http://www.cafepress.com/antibush04/5071791

April 07, 2008

THIS WEDS. Conservation and Renewable Energy

DFMC Presents a free public event
7 to 9:30 PM, Wednesday April 9th

Light refreshments served--Donations Accepted.

Rockville Library, 21 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850
Short walk from Rockville Metro (Red Line)

Watch the documentary "Kilowatt Ours" examining energy production, the
benefits of renewable energy, and how you can learn new habits to
conserve. Calculate your "carbon footprint," then discuss how you can
reduce it and support renewable energy. Sponsor: Democracy for
Montgomery County

More info and RSVP: Sharon Polidoro sepolidoro@yahoo.com

April 06, 2008

MCPA / PDA / DFA MeetUp 7:30 Tuesday May 6

Montgomery County Progressive Alliance
MCPA / PDA / DFA MeetUp 7:30 Tuesday May 6, 2008

Agenda: Legislative Wrap Up (first of two, other TBA)

SaigonESE Restaurant
11232 Grandview Ave
Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902

Tons of Parking in the Municipal lot across the street

Public Transportation: Short walk from Wheaton Metro:

More information: http://www.wmata.com/

Coalition Seeks Support for 'Moore' Physical Education

Contact: Mark Woodard, Community Organizer for Maryland Healthy
Schools Coalition: 410-207-4088

WHEATON, MD—National Health Advocates Join Maryland
Physicians Supporting Physical Fitness in Public Schools.

The Maryland Healthy Schools Coalition calls state lawmakers to enact a
Physical Education Bill to ensure that young school children participate
in a daily program of physical activity. Physicians and medical experts
have found this would help combat childhood obesity, a leading cause of
Type II diabetes, and other chronic and sometimes fatal diseases.

Coalition urges Montgomery County Delegates Sheila Hixson, District 20
(Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee) and Anne Kaiser, District
14, (Chair of the Education subcommittee for Ways and Means) to pass the
bill out of committee and push it toward final passage. Both Hixson and
Kaiser are key leaders who could help pass HB 503 in their respective

Increased physical education legislation has failed in committee for the
past two years. The Montgomery County Board of Education is opposed to
any state legislative mandate extending required physical education
time, although the county's Physical Education program continues to be
ranked at the bottom among MD counties for the amount of time elementary
school students participate in physical education.

The Maryland Healthy Schools Coalition consists of the following
organizations: American Academy of Pediatrics, Maryland Chapter,
American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, American Heart
Association and Maryland Association for Health, Physical Education and

The coalition is rallying public support for the "Bryan Moore Student
Health and Fitness Act" (HB 503), legislation to provide for a daily
program of physical activity for children in grades Pre K- 5th grade.

The program would require physical activity totaling 150 minutes per
week that includes a minimum of 90 minutes of Physical Education with
the balance to be gained through recess and other developmentally
appropriate, moderate to vigorous physical activity.

The bill is named for student Bryan Moore, a young student who suffers
from Type II Diabetes--the form which used to afflict adults, but is now
increasingly seen among young people as well.