February 18, 2008

Iraq: Ending War Thru Diplomacy, a forum and mobilizing effort

Iraq: Ending War Thru Diplomacy, a forum and mobilizing effort.
Key Elementary School, 2300 Key Blvd. Arlington, VA.
1/4 mile walk from Courthouse Metro Stop--Orange Line: http://tinyurl.com/2ye3mh

Learn about the post-surge situation, how diplomacy can help stabilize
Iraq and the Middle East, and how you can push for a responsible Iraq
exit strategy.

Speakers include Rep. Jim Moran (VA-08); Phyllis Bennis, Institute for
Policy Studies; Chris Toensing, MERIP; Jim Cason, Friends Committee on
National Legislation.

Saturday, March 1st 1:00 - 5:00 pm.
Speakers 1-3:30, Mobilizing for Citizen Action 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Suggested Donation: $5.

Sponsored by Progressive Democrats of America and Northern Virginians
for Peace and Justice.
For more information: 703-941-3707, http://www.pdavirginia.org, or
email info@pdavirginia.org

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