September 06, 2011
Rep. Chris Van Hollen on "Political Pulse"
OneVoice Tour Comes to UDC Law
OneVoice Tour Comes to UDC Law
contact: Alia Cambel
The Muslim Law Students Organization, Jewish Law Students Association, Christian Law Students Association, Asian Pacific Law Students Association and Law Review of UDC Law would like to invite you to this amazing upcoming event. Please join us in listening to the stories of dynamic Israeli and Palestinian youth leaders who are trying to effect change in this world.
See below for more details:
OneVoice Israeli and Palestinian youth leaders will take on Washington, D.C. from September 16-23 to discuss the United Nations vote on Palestinian statehood, the regional unrest, and the potential impact on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These two representatives will provide an insider’s perspective on the political atmosphere and the daily lives of their fellow citizens in the midst of rising tensions.
OneVoice activists Eyal Shapira and Obada Shtaya will engage everyone from students, to dignitaries, to politicians, sharing their stories and opening Washington’s ears to a new constituency: the “silent majority” of Israelis and Palestinians who call for a two-state solution.
Eyal, 25, was born and raised in Jerusalem, a place defined by its position as a key final status issue in the conflict. Refusing to shy away from difficult conversations, Eyal constantly mobilizes his fellow activists to take to the streets of Jerusalem, educating people and getting them interested in OneVoice and its mission.
Obada, 20, considers freedom of movement to be a fundamental right of all Palestinians. His father, accused of being a member of Hamas, was restricted in his travels for nearly two decades and arrested several times. These experiences sealed Obada’s passion for travel and politics.
OneVoice’s International Education Program (IEP), based in New York, connects the movement’s youth network to American college students and community members who have an interest in the conflict. More than 16,000 students have attended OneVoice regional tour events on over 100 U.S. college campuses. Watch OneVoice and founder Daniel Lubetzky on PBS NewsHour.
OneVoice’s CEO, Howard Sumka, a 25-year veteran of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will also join the tour to provide analytical insights gleaned through his work with Israeli and Palestinian leadership. Dr. Sumka brings to the table four years of experience as the director of USAID’s mission in the West Bank and Gaza. Watch Dr. Sumka on VOA Middle East Newsmaker.
September 05, 2011
Stand Up!
We the People vs. the Super Committee
Stand up for the principles we believe in; to support programs we know work!
Please join us at these important upcoming events: Join the MCPA to discuss these issues and organize meetings with members of Congress, media outreach, and coordinate our critically important actions! 7:30 to 9 PM tomorrow evening, Tues. Sept. 6th Saigonese Restaurant in Wheaton, 11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902 Public Transportation: 2 block walk from Wheaton Metro (red line) Montgomery County NOW presents, Feminism in Politics: Discussion and Workshop Special Guest Speakers: Sen. Jennie Forehand and Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez, with Former Congressional Candidate Andrea Miller, and Maryland NOW President Linda Mahoney. Get more involved in national, state and local issues. Monday, September 19 · 7 to 9 PM Rockville Regional Public Library, 21 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850 Parking across the street in 2 garages Public Transportation: short walk from the Rockville Metro stop Town Hall Meeting: Taking Back the Budget Debate 7:30pm to 9:30pm Tuesday, September 20th Silver Spring Civic Center--One Veterans Place (corner of Ellsworth and Fenton) Downtown Silver Spring, Short walk from Silver Spring Metro Stop
Speakers include Rep. Donna Edwards, State Senators Roger Manno and Jamie Raskin, Economist Heather Boushey, and IPS Fellow Karen Dolan. Moderator, Maryland NAACP’s Elbridge James.
Symposium: America in the 21st Century
Hosted by the Univ. of DC Law Students Organizations 7 to 10 PM Wednesday, October 5th University of the District of Columbia Room 312 Bldg. 52 4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008 Garage and street parking available Van Ness / UDC Metro stop (red line) on campus Campus Map: Ninety-minute panel, followed by a reception. This first symposium will be focused on issues we find important. Affordable College, the Affects of the Recent Healthcare Bill, Jobs and the Economy. Invited to speak: Congress members John Conyers Jr., Keith Ellison, Maxine Waters, and Donna Edwards, with honored guests Andre Carson, Maya Rockemore and Professor John Brittian of UDC. Moderated by Garland Nixon, the "Raucous Caucus" (heard 7 PM Tuesdays on WPFW 89.3 FM)
Thank you and see you at these and other events!
Mike Hersh Director, Montgomery County Progressive Alliance |
September 04, 2011
We the People vs. the Super Committee
- The "Super Committee" will make decisions which will effect you, your family, and our communities for years to come.
- We're organizing a "caucus" to lobby Congress, especially Rep. Van Hollen and the rest of the "Super Committee."
- We're cosponsoring a large-scale town hall meeting Sept. 20th in Silver Spring. (Details below.)
Saigonese Restaurant in Wheaton
11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
Public Transportation: 2 block walk from Wheaton Metro (red line)
Montgomery County NOW presents, Feminism in Politics: Discussion and Workshop
Special Guest Speakers: Sen. Jennie Forehand and Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez
With Former Congressional Candidate Andrea Miller, and Maryland NOW President Linda Mahoney
Get more involved in national, state and local issues.
Monday, September 19 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Rockville Regional Public Library
21 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850
Parking across the street in 2 garages
5 Block walk from the Rockville Metro stop
Please join us at these events.
Thanks, and have a great Labor Day!
Mike Hersh
Our Money . . . Our Voices . . . Our Budget Priorities
Town Hall Meeting: Taking Back the Budget Debate
Time: Tuesday, September 20 · 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Location: Silver Spring Civic Center
Short walk from Silver Spring Metro Stop
We need you to help fix the PRIORITIES CRISIS in Washington and Annapolis!
America CAN afford to care. We can:
* Put America back to work
* Institute a fair tax system
* Protect Americans’ health and save the environment
* Preserve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
* Bring all the troops and military contractors home from the wars
We can shift the debate! Join us as we organize for real, progressive solutions.
Speakers include Rep. Donna Edwards, State Senators Roger Manno and Jamie Raskin, Economist Heather Boushey, IPS Fellow Karen Dolan. Moderator, the NAACP’s Elbridge James. Music by singer/songwriter Christina Van Norman. And YOU will get a chance to speak!
This Town Hall Sponsored By: Progressive Democrats of America; Democracy for America, Mont. Co.; Montgomery County Progressive Alliance; Baltimore Nonviolence Center; Bethesda Friends Meeting; CASA de Maryland; Center for Peace, Fred. Co.; Chesapeake Citizens; CCAN; Citizen-Soldier Alliance, Baltimore; Columbia Christian Church; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Friends Meeting, Annapolis; Gray Panthers, Metro DC; Green Party, Anne Arundel Co.; Green Party, MD; Green Party, Montgomery Co.; Healthcare-Now of MD; Homewood Friends Meeting; Little Friends for Peace; MD Black Family Alliance; MD United for Peace & Justice; MCCRC; Montgomery County Chapter, National Organization for Women; Montgomery County Peace & Justice Studies Association; Muslim Amer. Society/MD; NAACP/MD; Network of Spiritual Progressives, MD; Orthodox Peace Fellowship; Pax Christi/MD; Peace Action, Anne Arundel Co.; Peace Action Montgomery; Peace & Justice Coalition, Prince Georges; Pledge of Resistance, Baltimore; Progressive Democrats of America, (National and MD); Progressive Cheverly; Progressive Maryland; Progressive Neighbors; Progressive Working Group (Steering Committee); Prosperity Agenda; RRUU/Social Justice Council; Sandy Spring Friends Meeting; Sheet Metal Workers Internaional, L 100; SCLC/Mo. County; UFCW Local 1994 MCGEO; Veterans for Peace, Baltimore; Veterans for Peace, Metro DC; Voters for Peace; WeGreen USA; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom/DC
September 03, 2011
organizing to guarantee opportunity, security, and prosperity for all
Next meeting: 7:30 PM Tues. Sept. 6th
Where: Saigonese Restaurant
11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
Public Transportation: 2 block walk from Wheaton Metro (red line)
Report on progress in our county and state on Healthcare, the Environment, Education, Labor, Transportation, Energy and other issues. We're building up our coalition and lobby efforts on the state and national level, planning special events, forming a steering committee, and working on meetings with legislators, and other organizations.
September 01, 2011
Feminism in Politics: Discussion and Workshop
Feminism in Politics: Discussion and Workshop
Experts will answer questions and help you get more involved in national, state and local issues. Free and open to the public.
Monday, September 19 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Special Guest Speakers:
* Sen. Jennie Forehand, Maryland State Senator, will discuss what's changed for women in politics.
* Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez, Maryland Delegate, will discuss challenges facing women and Latinas in politics.
* Andrea Miller, former candidate for Congress will discuss how to get started in politics, and lobbying on national issues.
* Linda Mahoney, President, Maryland NOW will discuss her lobbying efforts for the Harriet Tubman statue.
Rockville Regional Public Library
21 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850
Parking across the street in 2 garages
5 Block walk from the Rockville Metro stop
August 30, 2011
Protest at the White House to stop disastrous tar sands pipeline construction
Protest at the White House to stop disastrous tar sands pipeline construction
Date/time: | Saturday, August 20 - Saturday, September 3 | |
Location | The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW across from Lafayette Park | |
Contact: | Amanda Brinton, 202-363-4366, amanda.brinton | |
Description: | Check out more information and register HERE |
Town Hall Meeting: Taking Back the Budget Debate
Time: Tuesday, September 20 · 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Location: Silver Spring Civic Center
We need you to help fix the PRIORITIES CRISIS in Washington and Annapolis!
America CAN afford to care. We can:
* Put America back to work
* Institute a fair tax system
* Protect Americans’ health and save the environment
* Preserve Social Security
* Bring all the troops and military contractors home
We can shift the debate! Join us as we organize for real, progressive solutions.
Speakers include Rep. Donna Edwards, State Senators Roger Manno and Jamie Raskin, Economist Heather Boushey, IPS Fellow Karen Dolan. Moderator, the NAACP’s Elbridge James. Music by singer/songwriter Christina Van Norman. And YOU will get a chance to speak!
Our Money . . . Our Voices . . . Our Budget Priorities
This Town Hall Sponsored By:Baltimore Nonviolence Center; Bethesda Friends Meeting; CASA de Maryland; Center for Peace, Fred. Co.; Chesapeake Citizens; CCAN; Citizen-Soldier Alliance, Baltimore; Columbia Christian Church; Democracy for America, Mont. Co.; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Friends Meeting, Annapolis; Gray Panthers, Metro DC; Green Party, Anne Arundel Co.; Green Party, MD; Green Party, Montgomery Co.; Healthcare-Now of MD; Homewood Friends Meeting; Little Friends for Peace; MD Black Family Alliance; MD United for Peace & Justice; MCCRC; MCPA; Muslim Amer. Society/MD; NAACP/MD; Network of Spiritual Progressives, MD; Orthodox Peace Fellowship; Pax Christi/MD; Peace Action, Anne Arundel Co.; Peace Action Montgomery; Peace & Justice Coalition, Prince Georges; Pledge of Resistance, Baltimore; Progressive Democrats of America, (National and MD); Progressive Cheverly; Progressive Maryland; Progressive Neighbors; Prosperity Agenda; RRUU/Social Justice Council; Sandy Spring Friends Meeting ; Sheet Metal Workers Interna’l, L 100; SCLC/Mo. County; UFCW Local 1994 MCGEO; Veterans for Peace, Baltimore; Veterans for Peace, Metro DC; Voters for Peace; WeGreen USA; Women’s Interna’l League for Peace and Freedom/DC. Other sponsors of this Town Hall: Montgomery County Peace & Justice Studies Association.
Progressive in Maryland and on Facebook?
August 24, 2011
Women's Equality Day Friday Aug 26 5:30-7:30pm
Time Friday, August 26 · 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Location La Tasca Rockville (short walk from Rockville Station Red Line Metro)
■ Rockville Mayor Phyllis Marcuccio
■ State Senator Jennie Forehand
■ Kate Campbell Stevenson as Suffragist Alice Paul (author of the Equal Rights Amendment)
Featuring a roundtable discussion with local women activists. Happy hour drinks and tapas available for purchase.
Pay $20 for $40 in food and drinks at La Tasca Restaurant:
If you want to use the 50% off deal at the event, you have get it TODAY 08/24. It takes that long to process the deal.
For more information, contact Anne Whitt at 301-466-2653 or
August 23, 2011
TOWN HALL MEETING: Taking Back the Budget Debate
TOWN HALL MEETING: Taking Back the Budget Debate
- Put Americans back to work
- Institute a fair and progressive tax system
- Protect Americans’ health and save the environment
- Preserve Social Security
- Reduce the Pentagon budget
- Bring all the troops & military contractors home
August 22, 2011
help save Rockville deer
Dear friends and colleagues,
Some of you have not yet heard about this, but I hope if interested you will contact me for more information.
[Please] alert your Rockville, MD membership to sign the petition which now has about 800 signatures and NONE from Rockville; and to write opposing the hunt to and to
Also to ask them to attend the Oct. 24 meeting where I hope each one of us will have signed up to the citizens' forum to make a 3 minute statement about the deer. I have myself bought many great posters, etc. we can use now to educate the public and at the meeting before it starts.
I have contacted print and TV media. And we will have a deer mascot there.
I have also now set up a chip-in for people to give money to help us get the word out to the public who is ignorant there is a hunt proposed.
I maintain we have 2 Rockvilles leading to class warfare, and that many of the people who have turned their backs quite rudely on me from Rockville have done so as they are concentrated on getting someone re-elected to city council or to be mayor in early Nov.
Today Bob Barker wrote a letter to the mayor and council, and to the Gazette, and to the Washington Post.
Frankly, it would be great to hear from someone ... I know you are all busy, which is why I don't contact you constantly.
I would love your ideas as to what else you think I should do.
Thank you again, and as always,
Carol E. McCormick
August 20, 2011
Taking Back the Budget Debate: A TOWN HALL MEETING
Tues., Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m.
Silver Spring Civic Center
One Veterans’ Place (Fenton & Ellsworth)
Silver Spring
Turn your anger and outrage over the budget deal into ACTION!
Speakers: Rep. Donna Edwards, State Senator Roger Manno, economist Heather Boushey, IPS Fellow Karen Dolan
Master of Ceremonies: The NAACP’s Elbridge James
Music: Singer/songwriter Christina Van Norman
You will have the opportunity to ask your questions and then to help us organize for real, progressive solutions.
Here’s our action agenda:
* Put America back to work
* Institute a fair tax system
* Protect Americans’ health and save the environment
* Preserve Social Security
* Bring all the troops and military contractors home
Don’t miss this important event--invite all your friends!
Our Money . . . Our Voices . . . Our Budget Priorities
Sponsored by Fund Our Communities, Bring the War Dollars Home
A Maryland Coalition
August 17, 2011
SAVE THE DATE! Topic: Feminism in Politics
Expert speakers, elected officials will help you get more involved in national, state and local issues. Free and open to the public.
Rockville Library
21 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850
5 Block walk from the Rockville Metro stop
August 16, 2011
Taking Back the Budget Debate
Taking Back the Budget Debate
Tues., Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m.
Silver Spring Civic Center
One Veterans’ Place (Fenton & Ellsworth)
Silver Spring (short wall from SS Metro)
Speakers: Rep. Donna Edwards, State Senator Roger Manno, Economist Heather Boushey, IPS Fellow Karen Dolan
Master of Ceremonies: The NAACP’s Elbridge James
Music: Singer/songwriter Christina Van Norman
You will have the opportunity to ask your questions and then to help us organize for real, progressive solutions.
Here’s our action agenda:
* Put America back to work
* Institute a fair tax system
* Protect Americans’ health and save the environment
* Preserve Social Security
* Bring all the troops and military contractors home
Don’t miss this important event--invite all your friends!
Our Money . . . Our Voices . . . Our Budget Priorities
Sponsored by Fund Our Communities, Bring the War Dollars Home
A Maryland Coalition
August 12, 2011
Joe Uehlein Solo & U-Liners Shows!
Tom Morello at The Birchmere on Sept. 2 | ||
Joe Uehlein opening (solo) |
| Tom Morello, The Nightwatchman (Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave) will do a solo concert at the Birchmere on Friday, Sept. 2 -- help us usher in a rockin' Labor Day Weekend!! Joe Uehlein will be opening -- come join in the fun!
August 06, 2011
protect Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security
August 05, 2011
BUSBOYS AND POETS PRESENTS "The Nuclear Age at 2/3 of a Century"
To Commemorate the 66th Anniversary of America's Atomic Destruction of Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945
AUGUST 9th, 2011, 6:30 PM
"The Nuclear Age at 2/3 of a Century"
A talk by TAD DALEY
Busboys and Poets Restaurant, 14th and V, NW, Washington, DC.
Author, APOCALYPSE NEVER: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon Free World (Rutgers University Press, 2010).
Former Speechwriter and Policy Advisor for Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Congresswoman Diane Watson, and the late U.S. Senator Alan Cranston.
Tad will be introduced by HAROLD MEYERSON, Wednesday op-ed columnist for The Washington Post and Editor-At-Large for The American Prospect. The event is co-sponsored by Progressive Democrats of America, PeaceAction, Teaching for Change, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Citizens for Global Solution. It is FREE & OPEN TO ALL.
*APOCALYPSE NEVER is a book intended not for nuclear experts and policy wonks, but instead for a broad general audience, about the many facets of the contemporary nuclear weapons peril, the mountaintop vision of banning and dismantling every last nuclear weapon on earth, and pathways by which we might ascend toward that summit.
* The book received no less than 27 nuggets of "advance praise" from luminaries like former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, Martin Sheen, Lt. Gen. Robert Gard, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Michael Douglas, Daniel Ellsberg, and Pulitzer Prize winner Martin Sherwin.
* The book has received no less than nine terrific reviews, including one from Ploughshares Fund president Joe Cirincione in The Nation, another from Federation of American Scientists president Charles Ferguson for The Public Interest Report, and another from former CIA counterproliferation operative Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband Ambassador Joe Wilson (played in the movie Fair Game by Naomi Watts and Sean Penn) for the FireDogLake book salon. Their opening passage?
>>>>>Apocalypse Never is a frightening book to read but impossible to put down. In clear, accessible prose, Tad Daley unblinkingly lays out the case, point by point, for why we must ultimately rid the world of nuclear weapons or else suffer the inevitable consequences of the end of civilization as we know it … Daley then takes on the task of showing how this seemingly Herculean task can be accomplished, even within our lifetimes. It is compelling and accurate in its assessments and one of the absolute best out there … <<<<<
* Tad Daley and Harold Meyerson will talk about the book, and the topic, and the road to nuclear abolition. Then books will be available for purchase from the terrifically independent Busboys and Poets bookstore (known as "Teaching for Change"), and Tad will provide you with an elaborate autograph. Come recall the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and walk with us as we envision the road to abolishing nuclear weapons and abolishing war itself.
July 29, 2011
KeepOurPromise met with 80 Congressional offices July 27th
Thanks to your support, KeepOurPromise is protecting Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Keep us working for you!
On July 19, KeepOurPromise helped organize an emergency briefing on Capitol Hill with members of Congress, staff, and experts.
On July 20, we met with 85 Congressional offices and organized a national call-in day.
On July 21, David Shuster reported that Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Congressman Raul Grijalva took our message to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. According to Shuster's comments on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Rep. Grijalva warned Rep. Peolosi that House progressives refuse to follow President Obama's lead on cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Not only that, but her own leadership position "would be challenged."
On July 22, eighty House members joined Rep. Grijalva and the other CPC Co-Chair Congressman Keith Ellison in a letter to Rep. Pelosi which reads in part:
"We are united as Democrats in saying that it’s time to stand up to the Republican hostage-taking. We will not be forced to vote for a 'final agreement' that we do not agree to--and that the American people do not agree to. We stand united with you in insisting that benefit cuts for working families, our seniors, children, and people with disabilities must be off the table, and we stand united with you in fighting for millions of Americans who need Democrats to be firmly on their side."
This battle is far from over. Moving forward, we will work with our allies and members of Congress to protect and expand--not slash--our safety net. We're turning back the malign designs of the "Denial Caucus"--the Tea Party supporters in Congress--who are driving to defund and destroy Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. We cannot Keep Our Promise without your help. Will you contribute to help us?KeepOurPromise organizers and allies met with 80 Congressional offices July 27th, and led 1,000s of people nation-wide in a call in day. We told Senators and House members that cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security benefits would hurt tens of millions of Americans. Jobs will be lost. Economic growth will suffer. We demand that our politicians keep our promise between generations and among all Americans to preserve, protect--and even expand and improve--Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.
We need your help now! Contributions have been coming in, but not enough to cover our expanding activities. (Contributions to Keep Our Promise are not tax deductible).
We're helping to convene a series of Congressional briefings and hearings. We're launching a media strategy to inform and mobilize the public, and holding call-in days to jam the White House and Congressional switchboards. We're explaining that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are not "broke," and do not add to the debt or deficit. We should cut corruption and corporate profiteering--not benefits. To control costs and provide the best outcomes, we need Expanded, Improved Medicare for All. Help us Save Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
We're working with members of Congress and staffers, the Black, Progressive and Hispanic Caucus, as well as progressive, faith, patients' rights and civil rights leaders and organizations, unions, and more. We convene weekly action meetings to plan lobby days, call-in days, Congressional hearings, town hall meetings, a media strategy and special events. We're holding a massive citizen's lobby day July 20th. We're meeting with 85 members of Congress with a simple message: No cuts to Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security benefits. Let Medicare negotiate with big drug companies on prices. Improve and expand Medicare--don't cut it! Help us Save Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
We need your help now! Please Contribute here. (Contributions to Keep Our Promise are not tax deductible).
If you can't contribute, please share the above article with all your friends, and post the blurb below to Facebook and Tweet:
Fight Cuts to #Medicaid #Medicare, and #SocialSecurity Benefits! This is NOT the United States of Austerity! #p2
July 28, 2011
We met with 80 Congressional offices yesterday, July 27th
We need your help now! Contributions have been coming in, but not enough to cover our expanding activities:
(Contributions to Keep Our Promise are not tax deductible).
More info.:
We're helping to convene a series of Congressional briefings and hearings. We're launching a media strategy to inform and mobilize the public, and holding call-in days to jam the White House and Congressional switchboards. We're explaining that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are not "broke," and do not add to the debt or deficit. We should cut corruption and corporate profiteering--not benefits. To control costs and provide the best outcomes, we need Expanded, Improved Medicare for All. Help us Save Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
We're working with members of Congress and staffers, the Black, Progressive and Hispanic Caucus, as well as progressive, faith, patients' rights and civil rights leaders and organizations, unions, and more. We convene weekly action meetings to plan lobby days, call-in days, Congressional hearings, town hall meetings, a media strategy and special events. We're holding a massive citizen's lobby day July 20th. We're meeting with 85 members of Congress with a simple message: No cuts to Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security. Let Medicare negotiate with big drug companies on prices. Improve and expand Medicare--don't cut it! Help us Save Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. (Contributions to Keep Our Promise are not tax deductible).
July 25, 2011
AFL-CIO and Progressive Democrats of America Events
Your help and support is needed! Be part of the mobilization to STOP THE CUTS TO SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE AND MEDICAID on TODAY, JULY 25th AT 5:30 PM AT THE SOCIAL SECURITY COMPLEX IN WOODLAWN in Baltimore!
HELP bring national attention to our protest to say: STOP THE CUTS TO SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE AND MEDICAID. Send a strong message to Congress.
Please mobilize your members, staff, family and friends to be part of one of our largest demonstrations. These cuts will have a negative impact on our total community.
Location : Social Security Complex, 6401 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD
Contact : Fred D. Jason, Jr., President, MD/DC AFL-CIO, (410) 318-8537
Tell the House Negotiate Prescription Drug Benefits Under Medicare Part D
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 10am, Longworth Cafeteria
According to economist Joseph Stiglitz the U.S. can save $1 trillion in 10 years by negotiating the prescription drug benefit in Medicare; this is not a tax this is simply applying standard business practices and saving the taxpayers money.
Join us as we lobby the House to protect the benefits in Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. We have prepared packets which show price comparisons between common drugs purchased for the Veterans Administration and Medicare; Medicare often pays up to 48% more for the exact same drugs.
Click here to RSVP.
Can't join us for the lobby day? Sign the petition.
Call your Representative in the House: 202-224-3121
Call your Senator in the Senate: 888-907-1485
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Location: Longworth Cafeteria (Basement), Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC
Contact: Andrea Miller (443) 878-2071
Lobby, Call and Fax to Save Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security
We're making progress in keeping our promise. Now is the time to push harder to save Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security
KeepOurPromise is working for you! Please contribute what you can to keep us strong:
Join us 10 am Wednesday, July 17 in the Rayburn House Cafeteria to lobby Congress to Save Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security
Tell President Obama to stand strong! No cuts to Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security: 202-
Tell Your Senators and Representative to protect Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security from any cuts:
Tell Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to stand strong! No cuts Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security: 202-224-3542 Fax: 202-224-7327
Tell Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to stand down! No cuts Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security: 202-224-2541 Fax: 202-224-2499
Tell House Speaker John Boehner to stand down! No cuts Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security: 202-225-0600 Fax: 202-225-5117
Tell House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to stand down! No cuts Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security: 202-225-4000 Fax: 202-225-0011
Tell House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to stand strong! No cuts Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security: 202-225-0100 Fax: 202-225-4188
Tell DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to stand strong! No cuts Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security: 202-225-7931 Fax: 202-226-2052
KeepOurPromise is working for you! Please contribute what you can to keep us strong:
"We are united as Democrats in saying that it’s time to stand up to the Republican hostage-taking. We will not be forced to vote for a 'final agreement' that we do not agree to--and that the American people do not agree to. We stand united with you in insisting that benefit cuts for working families, our seniors, children, and people with disabilities must be off the table, and we stand united with you in fighting for millions of Americans who need Democrats to be firmly on their side."
Thanks to your support, KeepOurPromise is protecting Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Unfortunately, the battle is far from over. Moving forward, we hope to meet with 100 members of Congress July 27th to ask them to join the fight on our side. We will work with friendly members of Congress and pressure other members not to sacrifice our safety net in any political deal. We're working to turn back the malign designs of the "Denial Caucus"--the Tea Party supporters in Congress--who are driving to defund and destroy Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Let's be clear. Thanks to your support, we've met with members of Congress to gain their support. We cannot Keep Our Promise without your help. Will you contribute to help us?
Proposed cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security benefits would hurt tens millions of Americans. It would also devastate countless hospitals, medical practices, retirement communities, clinics, and the people they serve. All will endure hardship and pain if the cuts happen. We're fighting back with our Emergency Coalition to Save Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. We've created the website to empower this critically important effort. We demand that our politicians keep our promise between generations and among all Americans to preserve, protect--and even expand and improve--Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Please contribute whatever you can to help. (Contributions to Keep Our Promise are not tax deductible) We're setting up a media strategy to inform and mobilize the general public on these issues, and planning call-in days to jam the White House and Congressional switchboards with calls.
We're explaining that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are not "broke," and do not add to the debt or deficit. We should cut corruption and corporate profiteering--not benefits. To control costs and provide the best outcomes, need Expanded, Improved Medicare for All (single payer healthcare). We're working with members of Congress and staffers, the Black, Progressive and Hispanic Caucus, as well as progressive, faith, patients' rights and civil rights leaders and organizations, unions, and more. We convene weekly action meetings to plan lobby days, call-in days, Congressional hearings, town hall meetings, a media strategy and special events. Contribute now to Save Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
We're holding a massive citizen's lobby day July 27th. We're meeting with members of Congress with a simple message: No cuts to Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security. Let Medicare negotiate with big drug companies on prices. Improve and expand Medicare--don't cut it! We're holding events nation-wide with our allies to commemorate the anniversary of Medicare at the end of this month, as well as Vigils at Congressional offices. The first hearing in the series is scheduled for July 19 in the Rayburn House Office Building. It will focus on the impact of proposed cuts on people in need--and what the American People don't know about proposed cuts. Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security remain at risk. Will you help us prevail? Contribute here. (Contributions to Keep Our Promise are not tax deductible).
July 23, 2011
Thanks to your support, KeepOurPromise is protecting Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security
On July 19, KeepOurPromise helped organize an emergency briefing on Capitol Hill with members of Congress, staff, and experts. On July 20, we met with 85 Congressional offices. On July 21, David Schuster reported that Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Congressman Raul Grijlava took our message to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. According to Schuster's comments on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Rep. Grijalva warned Rep. Peolosi that House progressives refuse to follow President Obama's lead on cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Not only that, but her own leadership position "would be challenged." On July 22, eighty House members joined Rep. Grijalva and the other CPC Co-Chair Congressman Keith Ellison in a letter to Rep. Pelosi which reads in part:
"We are united as Democrats in saying that it’s time to stand up to the Republican hostage-taking. We will not be forced to vote for a 'final agreement' that we do not agree to--and that the American people do not agree to. We stand united with you in insisting that benefit cuts for working families, our seniors, children, and people with disabilities must be off the table, and we stand united with you in fighting for millions of Americans who need Democrats to be firmly on their side."
Thanks to your support, KeepOurPromise is protecting Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Unfortunately, the battle is far from over. Moving forward, we hope to meet with 100 members of Congress July 25th to ask them to join the fight on our side. We will work with friendly members of Congress and pressure other members not to sacrifice our safety net in any political deal. We're working to turn back the malign designs of the "Denial Caucus"--the Tea Party supporters in Congress--who are driving to defund and destroy Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Let's be clear. Thanks to your support, we've met with members of Congress to gain their support. We cannot Keep Our Promise without your help. Will you contribute to help us?
Proposed cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security benefits would hurt tens millions of Americans. It would also devastate countless hospitals, medical practices, retirement communities, clinics, and the people they serve. All will endure hardship and pain if the cuts happen. We're fighting back with our Emergency Coalition to Save Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. We've created the website to empower this critically important effort. We demand that our politicians keep our promise between generations and among all Americans to preserve, protect--and even expand and improve--Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Please contribute whatever you can to help. (Contributions to Keep Our Promise are not tax deductible) We're setting up a media strategy to inform and mobilize the general public on these issues, and planning call-in days to jam the White House and Congressional switchboards with calls.
We're explaining that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are not "broke," and do not add to the debt or deficit. We should cut corruption and corporate profiteering--not benefits. To control costs and provide the best outcomes, need Expanded, Improved Medicare for All (single payer healthcare). We're working with members of Congress and staffers, the Black, Progressive and Hispanic Caucus, as well as progressive, faith, patients' rights and civil rights leaders and organizations, unions, and more. We convene weekly action meetings to plan lobby days, call-in days, Congressional hearings, town hall meetings, a media strategy and special events. Contribute now to Save Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
We're holding a massive citizen's lobby day July 20th. We're meeting with 85 members of Congress with a simple message: No cuts to Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security. Let Medicare negotiate with big drug companies on prices. Improve and expand Medicare--don't cut it! We're holding events nation-wide with our allies to commemorate the anniversary of Medicare at the end of this month, as well as Vigils at Congressional offices. The first hearing in the series is scheduled for July 19 in the Rayburn House Office Building. It will focus on the impact of proposed cuts on people in need--and what the American People don't know about proposed cuts. Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security remain at risk. Will you help us prevail? Contribute here. (Contributions to Keep Our Promise are not tax deductible).
July 22, 2011
Want to Save Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security?
July 19, 2011
Fight Against Cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
Fight Against Cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
With talks under way between the White House, Senate, and the House, proposals are on the table to cut Medicaid by $100 billion dollars, raise the Social Security retirement age from 65 to 67, reduce the monthly Social Security check, and possibly raise Medicare premiums. We're convening an emergency coalition to save Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security here: http://www.keepourpromise.orgCuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security benefits would hurt tens of millions of Americans. It would also devastate countless hospitals, medical practices, retirement communities, clinics, and the people they serve. Jobs will be lost. Economic growth will suffer. All Americans will endure hardship and pain if these cuts happen. Help us make sure those cuts don't happen.
We demand that our politicians keep our promise between generations and among all Americans to preserve, protect--and even expand and improve--Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Help us Save Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Visit our website regularly, share it on Facebook, Tweet our articles.
Join us TODAY for an Emergency Briefing:
Find Out What Congress Isn't Telling You
Tuesday, July 19th 2 to 4 PM
2237 Rayburn House Office Building
Closest Metro: Capitol South Blue/Orange lines
Join us TOMORROW for a Lobby Day:'t make it to DC? Join our Call-in Day:'re getting support and interest from Congress members John Conyers, Gwen Moore, Barney Frank, Keith Ellison, Rob Andrews, and Senator Bernie Sanders as well as from the NAACP, Urban League, AFL-CIO, SEIU, NOW, and many others. Can we count on your support too? Please read more and consider making a donation to keep us working for you here: Please give $50, $25, $10--whatever you can. We need every one we can get, and every dollar you can spare to continue this fight!
Thank you,
Mike Hersh