April 08, 2005
Martin O'Malley Demands Fair Pay for Maryland Workers
Do you think the minimum wage in Maryland should be raised from $5.15 an hour to $6.15 an hour? Then sign Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley's electronic petition. http://www.martinomalley.com/minimumwage.html
As Mayor O'Malley has said, "It is time for us to step up and do the right thing. It is our moral duty to make sure that decent, hard-working people can earn a decent wage. This increase is justified and overdue."
Doug Duncan on Fair Share Health Care bill
Dear Friends:
Yesterday we made great progress in the fight to expand health care coverage in Maryland and ensure that everyone pays their fare share of the health care costs in this State. By an overwhelming margin, the Maryland Senate approved the Fair Share Health Care bill, which says that big businesses need to pay their fair share of the costs associated with providing health care to their employees. The House of Delegates has already approved the bill.
More than 700,000 Marylanders have no health insurance, and many more have limited or inadequate coverage. I am proud to have fought both in my County and at the State level for health care reform and efforts to bring down the high costs of prescription medications.
I was an early supporter of the Fair Share Health Care legislation that passed the Senate yesterday, and have stood shoulder to shoulder with the Maryland Citizens Health Initiative, the Service Employees International Union, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, the faith community, responsible business leaders and others fighting for the bill’s enactment. We have made great progress, but still more needs to be done.
Governor Ehrlich is threatening to veto this bill to increase health care coverage for working men and women in our State. I urge you to contact him immediately at 1-800-811-8336 or email him at governor@gov.state.md.us and ask him to sign the Fair Share Health Care bill. No one should have to choose between their medical care and putting food on the table or paying the rent.
Ask the Governor to stand with hard working Marylanders who are struggling to make ends meet, working paycheck to paycheck and are living just one medical catastrophe away from losing it all. Ask the Governor to sign SB 790/HB 1284, the Fair Share Health Care legislation.
Douglas M Duncan
County Executive
Healthcare, Prescription Drugs, and You
When: Monday, April 18 at 7:30PM
Where: Silver Spring Library
8901 Colesville Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
(Click here for directions)
Who: Tom Perez, President Montgomery County Council
Richard Parsons, President & CEO Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce
Glenn Schneider, Executive Director Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative / Health Care for All Coalition
Rally on the Supreme Court Steps
Senate Democratic Leader Reid wrote: Dear Mike,
Keep the Momentum Going! Help stop the GOP power grab by writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper: www.democrats.org/action
Learn more about this important issue and view photos of the Supreme Court rally on our Stop the Abuse of Power website: www.democrats.org/nuclear
Today I stood in front of the Supreme Court and collected more than 1 million petitions from people all across America. Standing there, I heard your voices urging the Senate to reject any attempt to do away with the system of checks and balances our founding fathers created to protect the rights and voices of all Americans.
I want to say thank you for standing up and lending your voice to this debate.
Republicans want to go "nuclear" and turn the Senate into a rubber stamp for President Bush. They want to silence Senate Democrats -- the one remaining check on President Bush's power. If they can do away with debate in the Senate, they can get whatever they want -- right-wing Supreme Court Justices, Social Security privatization, and tax breaks for the wealthy that will plunge us deeper in debt.
But Senate Democrats are going to fight them every step of the way. And this fight will be different than any other fight in the history of the Senate -- because it will include you.
The Republicans are arrogant with power. If they don't like the rules, they break them. If they don't like someone standing in their way, they attack them. We have some Republicans in the Senate that are considering throwing out 200 years of Senate history in order to pack the courts with right wing judges. And we have a Republican Leader in the House of Representatives who attacks judges who don't agree with him and corrupts our government by running roughshod over the ethics committee.
It's a complete abuse of power by the Republicans and if they can get away with this on judges, they will get away with this on legislation like Social Security too. There is no distinction.
This is about more than a few unqualified judges, this is about protecting the rights of disabled Americans to work, the rights of minorities to vote, the rights of every American to have clean air, safe drinking water and be heard in Washington.
Thank you,
Harry Reid
Senate Democratic Leader
Art Fabel's report on the rally:

What was very surprising was that there were about 10 television cameras at the event and I don't think it made it to the evening news. The press seemed to give a yawn about the rally on the Supreme Court steps to protest the nuclear option.
So I thought I would add a few more dots on the Internet to say we were there, we care, and we're not giving up. Somewhere in the crowd of that picture were four members of this group: Gina Angiola, Rachael Holstine, Maida Tryon, and Art Fabel. Join us next time!
Election Reform and ANWR boycott
This week, the Senate is back in session after the Easter recess. With Congress returning to debate some of these issues, I wanted to give you an update on two key online advocacy campaigns we have underway and ask for your help.
(1) Election Reform -- Urge support of the Count Every Vote Act
More than 15,000 people have already emailed their Senators and Members of Congress, urging support of the Count Every Vote Act authored by Senator Hillary Clinton and me.
We must restore the confidence of the American people in our federal elections system -- and this legislation would help to do just that.
So if you haven't already, I encourage you to sign my petition to your elected representatives, urging them to support the Count Every Vote Act. And then invite your friends and family to do the same.
(2) ANWR boycott -- Tell the oil companies to stay out of the Alaskan wilderness
More than 25,000 Americans have already joined with me, appealing to the 5 largest oil companies to stay out of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- even as President Bush and the right-wing Republicans seek to open it up.
Please stand with me and email these oil company CEOs now. Tell them to stay out of the Alaskan wilderness. And ask everybody you know to join us.
Thanks so much for your continued support! I look forward to fighting alongside you on these important issues and many more in the weeks and months ahead.
In Friendship,
Barbara Boxer
Contribute Today!
Paid for by PAC for a Change, www.pacforachange.com, Treasurer Sim Farar, FEC#C00342048. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Action Alerts and Regional Events
VGC Action Alerts:
Intern with the Rockridge Institute - http://www.rockridgeinstitute.org/aboutus/internships/2005/announcement
Oppose CAFTA, A Flawed Trade Pact. Urge your senators and representatives to oppose the Central American Free Trade Agreement http://www.capwiz.com/thenation/mail/oneclick_compose/?alertid=6825116
A Whole BUNCH of Action Alerts on PDAmerica. http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/home/
Check out the American Progress daily email. It WILL make you angry. http://www.americanprogressaction.org/
No Draft. http://www.nodraftnoway.org
Regional Events:
Saturday, April 9, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Honors DNC Chairman Howard Dean.At the 16th Annual Leadership Awards. VIP Reception at 6:30 pm / General Reception at 7 pm /Program at 8 pm, Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street NW. Sign up and become a sponsor today to be listed on the invitation for this not-to-be-missed event. Go to www.thetaskforce.org/awards or contact Task Force National Events Manager Clayton Yeung at (202) 393-5177 ext.8742 OR cyeung@theTaskForce.org.
Tuesday, April 19th, Civic Dialogue Project: National Dialogue on Social Security. Find one near you! http://www.wellstone.org/network/issue_page.aspx?catID=1770
April 30th-May 1st - DFA Training in Charlottesville -www.democracyforvirginia.com or Jeanbee6@netscape.net
June 1st - 3rd - Take Back America 2005, A Progressive Conference in Washington, DC - www.ourfuture.org
Weekly Reader and Fun Stuff
Democracy Arsenal. http://www.democracyarsenal.org/
Energy Insanity. www.alternet.org/columnists/story/21622
Dark and Weird.http://www.ctheory.net/text_file.asp?pick=449
Illiberal Conservative Media. http://media.eriposte.com/
Who Wins? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3796-2005Mar26.html
Mission Not Accomplished. http://www.missionnotaccomplished.us/
Hypocrisy is NOT pretty. http://www.sptimes.com/2005/03/22/Opinion/Political_opportunism.shtml
On Corporate Social Responsibility. http://hbswk.hbs.edu/specialReport.jhtml?id=4715&t=special_reports
Campus Progress. http://www.campusprogress.org/
The Attack on Unions.http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/2008/
Minimum Wage. http://www.prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewWeb&articleId=9310
No Mandate. http://www.nomandate.org/
Debt Slavery.http://www.debtslavery.org/
DeLay in Trouble AGAIN. http://tinyurl.com/48e2j
A living will that works.http://www.sptimes.com/2005/03/27/Columns/Living_will_is_the_be.shtml
Wussies. http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/cartoons/wussies/
April 07, 2005
Action Alerts and Regional Events
VGC Action Alerts:
Intern with the Rockridge Institute - http://www.rockridgeinstitute.org/aboutus/internships/2005/announcement
Oppose CAFTA, A Flawed Trade Pact. Urge your senators and representatives to oppose the Central American Free Trade Agreement http://www.capwiz.com/thenation/mail/oneclick_compose/?alertid=6825116
A Whole BUNCH of Action Alerts on PDAmerica. http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/home/
Check out the American Progress daily email. It WILL make you angry. http://www.americanprogressaction.org/
No Draft. http://www.nodraftnoway.org
Regional Events:
Saturday, April 9, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Honors DNC Chairman Howard Dean.
At the 16th Annual Leadership Awards. VIP Reception at
Tuesday, April 19th, Civic Dialogue Project: National Dialogue on Social Security. Find one near you! http://www.wellstone.org/network/issue_page.aspx?catID=1770
April 30th-May 1st - DFA Training in Charlottesville - www.democracyforvirginia.com or Jeanbee6@netscape.net
June 1st - 3rd - Take Back America 2005, A Progressive Conference in Washington,
Weekly Reader and Fun Stuff
Democracy Arsenal. http://www.democracyarsenal.org/
Energy Insanity. www.alternet.org/columnists/story/21622
Dark and Weird. http://www.ctheory.net/text_file.asp?pick=449
Illiberal Conservative Media. http://media.eriposte.com/
Who Wins? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3796-2005Mar26.html
Mission Not Accomplished. http://www.missionnotaccomplished.us/
Hypocrisy is NOT pretty. http://www.sptimes.com/2005/03/22/Opinion/Political_opportunism.shtml
On Corporate Social Responsibility. http://hbswk.hbs.edu/specialReport.jhtml?id=4715&t=special_reports
Campus Progress. http://www.campusprogress.org/
The Attack on Unions. http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/2008/
Minimum Wage. http://www.prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewWeb&articleId=9310
No Mandate. http://www.nomandate.org/
Debt Slavery. http://www.debtslavery.org/
DeLay in Trouble AGAIN. http://tinyurl.com/48e2j
A living will that works. http://www.sptimes.com/2005/03/27/Columns/Living_will_is_the_be.shtml
Wussies. http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/cartoons/wussies/
Join PDA Directors Friday, April 8 from 8 to 10 pm
Dear Friends,
Please join PDA (http://www.pdamerica.org/) Director, Tim Carpenter, and Policy Director Alysia Fischer for a showing of Tom Hayden's talk, "Stop the Funding of the Iraq War" on Friday, April 8 from 8 to 10 pm at the UDC David A. Clarke School of Law, Building 39, Room 204, 4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW in Washington, DC. Right atop the Red Line Van Ness/UDC Station. Underground parking available off Van Ness street. Handicapped accessible.
ALSO before the PDA event, at 6PM there will be a video and discussion of the Lynne Stewart case in the next room, Room 205. Who is Lynne F. Stewart, Esq? Why was she indicted by John Ashcroft after 9/11 and tried and convicted for "aiding terrorism"? What are the implications of this case for defense lawyers and people's civil rights in this period of war, terrorism, fear, and secrecy?
RSVP for either or both events to: Jlibertelli@udc.edu
Joe Libertelli
April 14 Meeting with Chris Van Hollen's Staff
Dear Montgomery County DFA Members, DFA and True Majority have asked supporters across the U.S. to meet with their Congressional representatives on April 14 to discuss Social Security. Here in the 8th Congressional District we have a fine Representative in Chris Van Hollen. We know he supports preserving Social Security and doesn't need convincing.
Still, we want to meet with his staff with this purpose: to emphasize our support for a vigorous Democratic defense of Social Security, and to ask what we can do to help in this effort. I have scheduled a meeting with Joan Kleinman, Cong. Chris Van Hollen's District Director, for Thursday April 14 at 9:30 am. It should last about 30 minutes.
The office address is 51 Monroe St., Suite 507, in central Rockville. Looking at the map, the building is more or less between Route 355 and the Regal Cinema. There may be visitor parking on the ground floor of the building, but if not, there is a large parking lot in front of the Cinema. It is walking distance from the Rockville Metro.
I might change my mind about this, but right now I'm thinking we could meet in the lobby of the building around 9:20, and any stragglers who come after 9:30 should come up on their own. Please let me know ASAP if you can join in this visit so that we have a healthy-sized contingent.
Thanks in advance,
Elly Shaw-Belblidia
April 06, 2005
Action on Verifiable Voting Required before Noon April 7, 2005
Your action required before Noon Thursday, April 7, 2005
Mary writes: I had a conversation with Sam Statland tonight, our Democratic representative on the Montgomery County Board of Elections. He reports that it is not going to be possible to secure passage of legislation that will add a paper ballot and automatic audit to the Diebold system, in this session. He believes that many concerned legislators are unwilling to legislate funding for another unproven system (the paper add-ons) at this time. He says this in the context of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) which requires that all electronic voting systems be analyzed and certified by the federal bureau of technology and standards. Although the legislation is 4 years old, the standards testing of voting systems has not yet occurred.
Meanwhile, the one piece of crucial legislation that can still be passed, in this session, is HB 622. This bill will permit any voter to vote absentee for any reason: essentially a paper ballot bill. We must press the State Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee to pass this legislation. OUR MESSAGES MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE NOON ON THURSDAY. I am attaching Sam's letter with the crucial contact info. He believes that messages coming from voters outside of Mont. Co. are especially helpful - if you have friends in other counties.
With my thanks, Mary
SUGGESTED CONTENT: HB 622 Absentee Ballot on Demand has been passed by the House 130-0 and forwarded to your Senate Committee. HB 622 is a good Bill. It removes all of the requirements for requesting an Absentee Ballot while leaving the administrative, voting security "watch dog" process in place. It helps the State of Maryland comply with the Help America Voting Act of 2002 (passed by Congress after the 2002 Florida debacle) by opening access to the election process.
The economic and social impacts of the bill, as reported by Maryland Legislative Services, will improve access to the voting process, make it easier for folks to vote, be paid for out of the State Board and Local Boards current budget, in the long term reduce the cost of elections, and shorten lines at the polls. For these reasons, The Maryland Association of Election Officials (MAEO) has endorsed this bill. It is good legislation, and has been enacted by 25 other States. Please help secure passage of this important legislation.
Thank you in advance,
CONTACTS: Senate Education Health and Environmental Affairs Committee
The Honorable Paula C. Hollinger, Chairperson
(301) 858-3131 - Fax (301) 858-3737
Senator Hollinger's Administrative Assistant is Barbara Schwartz
Committee Members - Phone (301) - Fax (301)
Sharon M. Grosfeld (D-18) - 858-3137 - 858-3676
Gwendolyn T. Britt (D-47) - 858-3745 - 858-3387
James Brochin (D-42) - 858-3648 - 858-3643
Roy Dyson (D-29) - 858-3573 - 858-3928
Paul Pinsky (D-22) - 858-3155 - 858-3144
Richard Colburn (R-37) - 858-3590 - 858-3087
Janet Greenip (R-33) - 858-3568 - 858-3067
Andrew Harris (R-7) - 858-3706 - 858-3750
Allan Kittleman (R-9) - 858-3671 - 858-3395
Senate President: Thomas V. Mike Miller - 858-3700 - 858-3910
Calls and faxes are FAR more effective, but if you send an email as well, the Subject Line should read: "Please pass HB622-Absentee Voting On Demand."
Email addresses: Paula_Colodny_Hollinger@senate.state.md.us; Sharon_Grosfeld@senate.state.md.us; Gwendolyn_Britt@senate.state.md.us; Jim_Brochin@senate.state.md.us; Roy_Dyson@senate.state.md.us; Paul_Pinsky@senate.state.md.us; Richard_Colburn@senate.state.md.us; Janet_Greenip@senate.state.md.us; Andrew_Harris@senate.state.md.us; Allan_Kittleman@senate.state.md.us; Thomas_V_Mike_Miller@senate.state.md.us